Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Unit 4 Exam on Nov. 21 for grey day and Nov. 24 for blue day.
Filling out the review sheet will be a grade.

Unit 4 Exam Review Sheet

Read over Ch. 4 & 5 in the text book

Things to review:

Cortez taking over the Aztec Empire, how did he do it, when, why?

Know story of LaSalle- review it from the text book.

Basics of the Columbus voyages

Spanish in the New World including Texas

French in the New World including Texas

English in the New World-original 13 colonies

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Students created a foldable in class. They are to fill it out using P. 130-133 from their text book. When done it is to be glued into P. 31 in their spiral. Due Nov. 17/18.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


on P. 29 of the social studies spiral, students should write pretending they are Cabeza de Vaca. Students should write a journal entry explaining a day in Cabeza de Vaca's life in Texas during the time he was here. Assignment should be 1/2 to 1 page long. Due Nov. 13/14.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Students will create a simple poster showing the two perspective of Christopher Columbus. First as a hero and all of the great things that happened due to his exploration, and secondly as a villain who should be held responsible for the terrible things that happened to the Native Americans.

Keep this assignment simple, no fancy poster boards required, just some simple info found from the internet.

Due Nov. 7/10

Sunday, November 2, 2008


CNN Electoral Map

click on: blank slate and keep track as the results come in